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Documentary Production Plan Examples

Documentary production involves distinct stages, each requiring careful planning and execution. Here's a list of various types of production plans typically used in documentary filmmaking, along with examples.

Pre-Production Plan

Components: This phase includes research, scriptwriting, budgeting, fundraising, securing permissions, location scouting, and assembling the production team.

Purpose: Laying the groundwork for the documentary, ensuring all elements are in place before filming begins.

Example: For 'The Hidden Rivers,' the pre-production involved extensive research on river ecosystems and interviews with environmental scientists.

Production Schedule

Components: This plan details the shooting schedule, including when and where footage will be captured. It covers logistics, travel plans, interview schedules, and equipment needs.

Purpose: To efficiently manage the actual filming process, ensuring all necessary footage is captured within the allocated time and budget.

Example: 'City Lights' had a detailed production schedule that included night-time shoots in various urban settings over a period of three weeks.

Post-Production Timeline

Components: This includes editing, color correction, sound design, voice-over recordings, and adding music or special effects.

Purpose: To transform the captured footage into a coherent and compelling narrative, ensuring high production quality.

Example: The post-production of 'Mountain Echoes' took six months, with special emphasis on sound design to capture the natural ambiance.

Distribution Strategy Plan

Components: Identifying potential distribution channels, submission to film festivals, marketing strategy, and audience outreach.

Purpose: To ensure the documentary reaches its intended audience and achieves maximum impact and exposure.

Example: 'Life at the Edge' had a distribution plan that included screenings at major nature film festivals followed by a release on environmental streaming platforms.

Marketing and Promotion Plan

Components: Developing a marketing strategy, creating promotional materials, planning social media campaigns, and arranging public screenings.

Purpose: To build awareness and anticipation for the documentary, attracting audiences and potential buyers.

Example: The marketing for 'Urban Jungle' involved a viral social media campaign with teaser clips that highlighted urban wildlife.

Contingency Plan

Components: Planning for potential setbacks or changes, such as delays, equipment failures, or changes in the availability of key subjects.

Purpose: To ensure the production can adapt and continue smoothly despite unforeseen challenges.

Example: For 'Desert Winds,' the contingency plan included backup shooting locations due to unpredictable weather conditions in desert regions.

Budget Management Plan

Components: Ongoing monitoring and adjusting of the documentary's budget, accounting for unexpected expenses, and ensuring efficient use of resources.

Purpose: To maintain financial control and ensure the project stays within its financial limits.

Example: 'The Sea Guardians' had a dynamic budget plan that allowed for additional boat rental costs due to extended shooting periods at sea.

Legal and Compliance Plan

Components: Ensuring all legal requirements are met, including obtaining necessary rights, clearances, and ensuring compliance with broadcast standards.

Purpose: To prevent legal issues that could impede the distribution or broadcasting of the documentary.

Example: 'Voices of the Forest' included a legal plan for acquiring rights to indigenous music used in the documentary.

Archival Management Plan

Components: Organizing and storing all footage, interviews, and other materials collected during production for potential future use or reference.

Purpose: To maintain an organized archive of materials that could be useful for follow-up projects or additional content.

Example: The archival plan for 'Historic Cities' involved digitizing and categorizing hundreds of hours of footage for future documentary series.


Each type of production plan plays a crucial role in the making of a documentary. From pre-production research to post-production editing and distribution, these plans ensure that every aspect of documentary filmmaking is methodically approached and efficiently executed.

Documentary Production