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Documentary Main Subject Descriptions

When writing for a documentary, particularly in the planning or pitch phase, clearly defining your main subjects is crucial. This helps to provide a clear focus for your narrative and guides the direction of your research and interviews.

Subject 1: Primary Individual or Group

Description: This is the central focus of your documentary. When describing this subject, include essential details like who they are, what makes them significant, and why their story is compelling. 
Example: If your documentary is about an innovative urban gardener, describe who they are (e.g., background, personality, expertise), their unique gardening methods, and why their approach is revolutionary or impactful.

Subject 2: Additional Key Individuals or Groups

Description: These are other important subjects featured in your documentary who add depth and perspective to your main story. They might offer contrasting viewpoints, expert analysis, or personal anecdotes that enrich the narrative.
Example: In the urban gardening documentary, this could include fellow gardeners, community members impacted by the gardener's work, environmental experts, or city officials. Describe their connection to the main subject and the unique insights or perspectives they bring.

Documentary Example: Main Subjects

Title: "Green Guardians: A Community's Fight for the Forest"

Subject 1: Primary Individual or Group

Description: The documentary's central focus is on a small rural community in the Amazon rainforest, led by an inspiring local activist named Maria, who is at the forefront of efforts to prevent deforestation and preserve ancestral land.
Example: Maria, a charismatic community leader, combines traditional knowledge with modern conservation techniques, making her a compelling central figure in the documentary.

Subject 2: Additional Key Individuals or Groups

Description: Features key figures such as an environmental scientist collaborating with Maria, a representative from a logging company, and young community members learning and continuing conservation efforts.
Example: The scientist provides expert analysis, while young community members add emotional depth to the story, representing hope and continuity.

Subject 3: Opposing Forces

Description: The documentary also focuses on opposing forces like logging companies and the challenges of enforcing environmental laws.
Example: Interviews with logging company workers and local law enforcement illustrate the complex interests surrounding conservation efforts.

Documentary Pitch

Documentary Proposal Template

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