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Documentary Calls to Action

The "call to action" in a documentary is a powerful tool, urging viewers to respond in a specific way after watching the film. Documentaries often aim to not only inform and entertain but also to inspire change or action. 

Awareness and Education

Description: Encouraging viewers to learn more about the documentary's subject matter, often directing them to resources for further education.

Example: "The Blue Planet" encourages viewers to visit its website for more information on ocean conservation.

Social Advocacy

Description: Motivating viewers to support or advocate for a social, political, or environmental cause highlighted in the documentary.

Example: "An Inconvenient Truth" urges viewers to join climate change advocacy groups.

Behavioral Change

Description: Inspiring viewers to change personal behaviors or habits that relate to the documentary's theme, like environmental conservation or healthy living.

Example: "Super Size Me" encourages viewers to reconsider their fast-food consumption habits.

Fundraising and Donations

Description: Urging viewers to donate to a specific cause, organization, or ongoing project related to the documentary’s subject.

Example: "Blackfish" includes a call to support marine wildlife conservation charities.

Community Engagement

Description: Encouraging viewers to get involved in their local communities, whether through volunteering, community organizing, or participating in local events.

Example: "Bowling for Columbine" inspires viewers to participate in local community discussions on gun control.

Policy Change

Description: Advocating for changes in policy or legislation, often providing viewers with information on how to contact policymakers or engage in lobbying efforts.

Example: "Food, Inc." provides viewers with contact information for their congressional representatives to advocate for food industry reform.

Signing Petitions

Description: Directing viewers to sign a petition related to the cause or issue discussed in the documentary.

Example: "The Cove" directs viewers to a petition to stop dolphin hunting.

Sharing and Spreading the Word

Description: Asking viewers to share the documentary or information about its subject matter on social media and within their personal networks to increase awareness.

Example: "13th" encourages viewers to share facts about prison reform on social media platforms.

Supporting Art and Culture

Description: Encouraging viewers to support the arts, whether through attending events, supporting local artists, or advocating for arts funding.

Example: "Exit Through the Gift Shop" inspires viewers to explore and support local street art scenes.

Personal Reflection and Discussion

Description: Inviting viewers to reflect on the documentary’s themes and discuss them with friends, family, or in community groups to deepen understanding and engagement.

Example: "Won’t You Be My Neighbor?" prompts discussions on the impact of Mister Rogers' approach to children's programming.

Purchasing Related Products

Description: Directing viewers to purchase related products or merchandise, where proceeds may go towards supporting the documentary's cause.

Example: "March of the Penguins" offers viewers the opportunity to buy related merchandise, with proceeds supporting penguin conservation.

Attending Events or Screenings

Description: Encouraging viewers to attend further screenings, talks, or events related to the documentary's subject for more engagement.

Example: "He Named Me Malala" invites viewers to attend local screenings and panel discussions on women's education rights.

Subscribing or Following for Updates

Description: Asking viewers to subscribe to a newsletter or follow social media channels for updates on the documentary's impact or related issues.

Example: "The Social Dilemma" encourages viewers to follow its online platforms for ongoing discussions about social media ethics.

Direct Action

Description: Motivating viewers to participate in direct actions like protests, marches, or other forms of activism related to the documentary’s topic.

Example: "Before the Flood" encourages viewers to participate in climate change rallies and events.

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