Documentary Fund for American Filmmakers of Color

The Diversity Development Fund (DDF) provides annual funding for filmmakers from diverse backgrounds. The fund aims to support directors of color by providing up to $35,000 in research and development funding to develop documentaries for public media. The DDF seeks stories that take creative risks, inspire dialogue, and offer unique perspectives rarely seen in public media.


Directors of color can receive up to $35,000 in funding to develop their documentary projects. This support comes with editorial feedback from ITVS to help refine proposals and project plans. The funded projects maintain full editorial, creative, and financial control while benefiting from the development support.

Expanded Eligibility

To be eligible for the DDF, applicants must:

  • Identify as a person of color.
  • Submit a project in development or early production.
  • Own the copyright and maintain editorial control of the production.
  • Be at least 18 years old and a U.S. citizen or legal resident.
  • Not be employed as a producer or director by a broadcast entity or film studio.
  • Have prior experience in a principal film or television production role.
  • Not have other projects currently under ITVS consideration.

Ineligible applicants include current students, those with ongoing ITVS contracts, foreign-based production entities, organizations, and former ITVS employees from the past 12 months.

Additional Eligibility Information

  • Who should apply? Filmmakers of color over the age of 18 who are U.S. citizens or legal residents and have nonfiction projects in development or pre-production.
  • What amount of funding is available? Up to $35,000 in research and development funding per project. ITVS funds are provided under a development agreement for the public media version of your documentary.
  • What can DDF funds be used for? Research, travel, hiring crew, and preliminary production costs for creating a work in progress or fundraising trailer.
  • How does ITVS define applicant? The applicant must be the principal of the business entity, maintain at least 50% of the copyright, and have majority business and artistic control of the project throughout production.
  • What program lengths are eligible? Standard public television broadcast lengths: half-hour (26:40), one-hour (56:40), or feature length (86:40).
  • How many DDF projects are funded each year? Generally, ITVS funds the top 5 percent of applications received annually through DDF.
  • Am I eligible without secured funds? Yes, prior funding commitments are not required. Proposals should include a fundraising strategy detailing how you will raise funds for your project, including foundation grants, non-PBS broadcast license agreements, private donations, in-kind support, and crowd source funding.
  • Can I submit multiple applications? No, individuals may only submit one application per round, per initiative.
  • Can ITVS review my proposal elements before applying? No, ITVS staff will only review materials as part of the formal application process.
up to $35,000
2 June - 12 July, 2025

How to Apply

See Detailed Project Requirements, Submission Process and Selection Criteria. Click to Apply.

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